The Church venerates today the Holy Archangels: Michael , Gabriel and Raphael . They stand out for their honest love for God’s most Holy Will. With such fidelity, St. Gabriel faithfully delivered the most important messages of human history to Zacharias and further to Holy and ever Immaculate Mary . St. Michael wrestled with lucifer and cast him out of Heaven. St. Raphael came to the aid of Tobias in the Old Testament and through him Lord is sending us health and protection . In these angels there isn’t any duplicity of heart. God is giving them a task and they truly fulfill it , with no proudness or duplicity of will .
In Sacred Scripture we find that the nine choirs of angels spoken of in Catholic theology can be found. These are the Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones, the Dominations, Virtues and Powers, the Principalities, Archangels and Angels - three hierarchical groups, reflecting the triune nature of the Holy Trinity. We also learn about the Guardian Angels, the Angel of the Lord, the Living Beings and other names under which angels and their angelic responsibilities are known.
The Magisterium (or Teaching Office) of the Catholic Church has over the centuries added the weight of its apostolic authority, confirming and illuminating the doctrine on the Holy Angels.
Today we pray through the intercession of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael for protection, the ability to receive God's announcements properly, and for proper guidance. Praise the Lord all ye holy angels of God.
Lord, thank you for the example of these three Holy Archangels , of the Holy Apostles and Saints. The Holy Apostles and Saints ended up shedding their blood for You and the Holy Archangels aid us on our journey towards You. Lord, seeing so many lacking the faith, I resolve to be Your tireless instrument, like them, so that many may come to praise You for all eternity.
Lord, we give you thanks and praise today for all of Your Holy Archangels and Angels, especially Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. We thank You for loving us in good times and bad. Help us to be open to Your Word and the messages of Your angels when You speak to us through them. And may we one day, with all of the Angels and Saints in Heaven, give You due Praise, Honor and Glory, forever and ever. Amen.