O Little Child of God the Father, child of predilection, hearken to our prayer. With special love does He listen to thy pleading. On earth thou didst go to Him unafraid. Confidence was thy guiding star. Thou didst never refuse the Good God anything and He hast placed thee "among the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven." Near His throne He will smile upon His "Little Queen." Grant us then the Grace to follow thy little way of complete trust in God and self-surrender. Attune our souls to thine own sweet song of praise.
Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory Be.
O Little Victim of God the Son, "thou didst wish to suffer for Love's sake and for Love's sake even to rejoice." God's sweet Will was thy sole desire. Thus didst thou run to His loving arms. One with Him thou didst become a Victim --- a Victim of Love. Grant us also the spirit of loving resignation to the Holy Will of God and the Grace to be numbered in thy legion of Little Victims of Love.
Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory Be.
O Little Spouse of God the Holy Ghost, the spirit of love filled thy soul. Led by the Spirit, even as thy Lover Jesus thou didst breathe and live solely for Him. Thy childlike strategy made Love captive. Thy littleness charmed Him. Help us, too, to become little and to love Him with childlike confidence so as to sing sweetly our canticle of love.
Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory Be.