Blessed Catholic Saints and Angels

~~Witnesses of Faith pray for us ! ~~

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Blessed Feast of Saint Augustine of Hippo

Today the church honors the memorial of St Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, and founder of the Augustinian Religious Order.

( the picture is presenting our Lady of Consolation , title of our Lady treasured by the Order of Saint Augustine , removing the cincture and, giving it to Monica, directed her to wear it and to encourage others to do the same. Monica gave it to her son, who in turn gave it to his community, and so the Augustinian devotion to the wearing of a cincture as a token of fidelity to our Mother of Consolation came into being . The tradition of praying to the Mother of God for the gift of consolation dates back to the early centuries, an expression of the Church's belief that the cloud of witnesses, the elect in glory, never cease to pray for the Church on earth.)
Saint Augustine is called the Doctor of Grace because of his miraculous transformation out of sin to the service of God's creatures. He served the church in Africa for many years as bishop with genuine love. His mother, St Monica, never stopped praying for him; a great model. Through the tears and prayers of Augustine's mother, St Monica, and the preaching and guidance of St Ambrose, Augustine found grace and favor with God. Once she went to the Bishop of Milan, St. Ambrose, to ask him if her son would ever convert. He replied to her with those famous words: “Woman, the child of so many tears shall never perish." That is, she would see his rebirth through her intense and profound suffering.
The power of praying, reading scripture, and listening to God's words from inspiring preaching. All are vital for spiritual growth and development. These spiritual efforts and activities steadily transformed his body and soul. Many will remember his famous line as he cried out: "Late have I love Thee, Oh Beauty, ever ancient and ever new." We cannot forget the memorable words: "Our hearts are restless, Lord, until they rest in You."

St Augustine died as he lived-with a holy passion for his church and all humankind. His legacy is that all have enough grace available to grow and develop from sinner to saint when we pray. He would encourage us to read and listen to the scriptures, and above all, ask, seek, and knock with sincere prayers for ourselves and for others. No matter how steeped we are in sin, God is richer in mercy and love. God is ever ready to bestow the same graces on us as he gave to St Augustine, bishop and Doctor of the Church, but sinner first.

Oremus ( let us pray ) and express our Trust in God's Heavenly Promise :

My God, let me know and love You,
so that I may find my happiness in You.
Since I cannot fully achieve this on earth,
help me to improve daily
until I may do so to the full.
Enable me to know You ever more on earth,
so that I may know You perfectly in heaven.
Enable me to love You ever more on earth,
so that I may love You perfectly in heaven.
In that way my joy may be great on earth,
and perfect with You in heaven.

O God of Truth,
grant me the happiness of heaven
so that my joy may be full in accord with Your promise.
In the meantime let my mind dwell on that happiness,
my tongue speak of it,
my heart pine for it,
my mouth pronounce it,
my soul hunger for it,
my flesh thirst for it,
and my entire being desire it
until I enter through death
in the joy of my Lord forever.Amen

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