Francis Xavier was a sixteenth century man who had a promising career in academics. He was encouraged in the faith by his good friend, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and went to join the new community founded by Ignatius, the Society of Jesus, better known today as the Jesuits.
Francis had a passion for preaching the Gospel and living a life of Gospel simplicity. He would live with and among the poorest of the poor, sharing their living conditions, ministering to the sick, and preaching and teaching the faith. He lived in the East Indies for a time, before going on to minister to the Hindus, Malaysians, and Japanese. Francis even learned a bit of Japanese in order to communicate well with his people and to preach to them. He dreamed of going on to minister in China, but died before he could get there.
Francis Xavier truly took to heart the words of St. Paul who said he made himself all things to all people in order to save at least some. Francis made it his life’s work to live as his people lived, preaching to simple folk, and calling them to Jesus. He was also able to live freely Jesus’ Gospel call today: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.”
Now we might not have the opportunity to live as Francis Xavier did and to actually go out to distant shores to preach the Gospel. But we certainly are still called to preach it with our lives. We are called to witness to Christ to everyone we meet: family, friends, coworkers, neighbors-anyone the Lord puts in our path. Our diocese chose Francis Xavier for our patron because our founders took seriously the call to proclaim the Gospel to every person in this diocese. We are called upon to do the same, according to our own life’s vocation and state of life. May all who hear our words and see our actions come to believe and be saved.
Let us pray Litany of Saint Francis Xavier
Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.
Christ hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Virgin Mother of God, Pray for us.
Saint Ignatius, founder of the Society of Jesus, Pray for us.
Saint Francis Xavier, the glory and second pillar of that holy Institute, Pray for us.
Apostle of the Indies and Japan, Pray for us.
Legate of the Holy Apostolic See, Pray for us.
Preacher of the truth, and doctor of the nations, Pray for us.
Vessel of election, to carry the Name of Jesus Christ to the kings of the earth, Pray for us.
Shining light to those who sat in the shadow of death, Pray for us.
Full of a burning zeal for the glory of God, Pray for us.
Unwearied propagator of the Christian Faith, Pray for us.
Most watchful shepherd of souls, Pray for us.
Most constant mediator on divine things, Pray for us.
Most faithful follower of Jesus Christ,
Most ardent lover of evangelical poverty, Pray for us.
Most perfect observer of religious obedience, Pray for us.
Who didst burn with the fire of Divine Love, Pray for us.
Who didst generously despise all earthly things, Pray for us.
Most able guide in the way of perfection, Pray for us.
Model of apostolic men, Pray for us.
Model of all virtues, Pray for us.
Light of infidels, and master of the faithful, Pray for us.
Angel in life and manners, Pray for us.
Patriarch in affection and care of God's people, Pray for us.
Prophet mighty in word and works, Pray for us.
Whom all nations and the Church have with one voice associated with the glorious choir of Apostles, Pray for us.
Who wast adorned with the crown of virgins, Pray for us.
Who didst aspire to the palm of martyrs, Pray for us.
Confessor in virtue and profession of life, Pray for us.
In whom we reverence, through the Divine Goodness, the merits of all Saints, Pray for us.
Whom the winds and the sea obeyed, Pray for us.
Who didst take by assault the cities that had revolted from Jesus Christ, Pray for us.
Who wast the terror of the armies of infidels, Pray for us.
Scourge of demons, and destroyer of idols, Pray for us.
Powerful defense against shipwreck, Pray for us.
Father of the poor, and refuge of the miserable,Pray for us.
Sight to the blind, and strength to the lame, Pray for us.
Protector in time of war, famine, and plague, Pray for us.
Wonderful worker of miracles, Pray for us.
Who wast endued with the gift of tongues, Pray for us.
Who wast endued with the wondrous power of raising the dead, Pray for us.
Resounding trumpet of the Holy Ghost, Pray for us.
Light and glory of the East, Pray for us.
Through the Cross, which thou didst so often raise among the Gentiles, Pray for us.
Saint Francis Xavier, We beseech thee, hear us.
Through the Faith, which thou didst so marvelously propagate, We beseech thee, hear us.
Through thy miracles and prophecies, We beseech thee, hear us.
Through the perils and shipwrecks which thou didst endure, We beseech thee, hear us.
Through thy pains and labors, in the midst of which thou didst so ardently exclaim: Still more! still mo !, We beseech thee, hear us.
Through thy heavenly raptures, in the midst of which thou didst so fervently exclaim: Enough, Lord, enough! We beseech thee, hear us.
Through the glory and happiness which now thou dost enjoy in heaven, We beseech thee, hear us.
Friend of the heavenly Bridegroom: Intercede for us.
Blessed Francis Xavier, beloved of God and men: Intercede for us.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
V. Pray for us, Saint Francis Xavier:
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray: O God, Who by the preaching and miracles of blessed Francis, wast pleased to add to Thy Church the nations of the Indies: grant mercifully, that we who venerate his glorious merits may imitate his virtues. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who with Thee and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest, one God, world without end. Amen.
~~ from "Kyrie Eleison — Two Hundred Litanies" by Benjamin Francis Musser O.F.M.,