~~ Day 9~~
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy love. Send forth the spirit, and they shall be created; And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.
Let Us Pray : O God, who didst teach the hearts of Thy faithful people by sending them the Light of Thy Holy Spirit. Grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgement in all things, and evermore to rejoice in His Holy Comfort through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
The Epistle of Saint Jude ...verse 25:
We pray Thee, O Almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has recaled Thy glory to all nations, to preserve the works of Thy mercy that Thy Church, being spread through the whole world, may continue with unchanging faith in the confession of Thy Name.
We pray Thee, who alone art good and Holy, to endow with heavenly knowledge, sincere zeal, and sanctity of life, Our Sovereign Pontiff, the vicar of our Lord Jesus Christ; likewise our beloved bishop; all other bishop, prelates, and pastors of the Church; and especially those who are appointed to exercise among us the functions of the holy ministry, and conduct Thy people in the ways of salvation .
We pray to Thee, O Lord of Mercy, to remember the souls of Thy servants departed who are gone before us with the sign of faith and repose in the sleep of peace: the souls of our parents, relatives, and friends; the souls of those who, when living, were devotees of St. Jude, and particularly of such as lately deceased; the souls of all benefactors who proved their claim to our grateful and charitable remembrance. To these, O Lord, and all who rest in Christ, grant, we beseech, a place of refreshment, light, and everlasting peace, through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior . Amen
Novena Prayers
O My God, I firmly believe / that Thou art really and corporally present / in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. / I adore Thee here present / from the very depths of my heart, / and I worship Thy sacred presence / with all possible humility. /
O my soul, / what Joy to have Jesus Christ / always with us, / and to be able to speak to Him / heart to Heart / with all confidence. / Grant, O Lord, / that I / having adored Thy divine Majesty / here on earth / in this wonderful Sacrament, / may be able to adore It eternally in Heaven. Amen
O Glorious Apostle, St. Jude Thaddeus, / true relative of Jesus and Mary, / I salute thee through the most Sacred Heart of Jesus! / Through this Heart / I praise and thank God / for all the graces He has bestowed upon thee. / Humbly prostrate before thee, / I implore thee through His Sacred Heart / to look down upon me / with compassion. / Oh, despise not my poor prayers; / let not my trust be confounded! / To thee God has granted the priviledge/ of aiding mankind in the most desperate cases. / Oh, come to my aid, / that I may praise the mercies of God! / All my life I will be grateful to thee / and will be thy faithful client / until I can thank thee in Heaven. Amen.
Blessed Apostle, with confidence we invoke thee!
St. Jude, help of the hopeless, aid us in our distress!
Pray for us, / that before death / we may expiate all our sins / by sincere repentance / and the worthy reception fo the Holy Sacraments!
Pray for us, / that we may appease the Divine Justice / and obtain a favorable judgement!
Pray for us, / that we may be admitted / into the company of the blessed / to rejoice in the pressence of our God forever. Amen
Most Holy Apostle, / St. Jude Thaddeus, / faithful servant and friend of Jesus, / the name of the traitor who delivered thy beloved Master / into the hands of His enemies / has caused thee to be forgotten by many, / but the Holy Church honors / and invoke thee universally / as the patron of hopeless cases / and of things despaired of. Pray for me / who am so miserable; / make use, I implore thee, / of that particular privilege accorded to thee / to bring visible and speedy help / where help is almost despaired of. / Come to my assistance / in this great need / that I may receive / the consolations and succor of heaven / in all my necessities, / tribulations and sufferings, / particularly (here make your request) / and that I may bless God with thee / and all the elect forever.
I promise thee, / O Blessed Jude, / to be ever mindful / of this great favor / and I will never cease to honor thee / as my special and powerful patron / and to do all in my power / to encourage devotion to thee. Amen.
St. Jude, Pray for Us! And for those who invoke thy aid!
Let Us Pray : O Saint Jude Thaddeus , Thou relative of Jesus Christ, / Thou glorious Apostle and Martyr, / renowned for thy virtues and miracles, / faithful and prompt intercessor of all who honor thee and trust in thee! / Thou art a powerful patron and helper in grievous afflictions. / I come to thee and entreat thee from the very depths of my heart; / come to my aid with thy powerful intercession, / for thou hast received from God the privilege / to assist with thy manifest help, / those who almost despair of all hope. / Look down upon me; / my life is a life of crosses, my days are days of tribulation / and my heart is an ocean of bitterness. / All my paths are strewn with thorns / and scarcely one moment passes / but is witness of my tears and sighs; / uneasiness, discouragement, mistrust / and almost despair press upon my soul. / Thou canst not forsake me in this sad plight. / I will not depart from thee until thou hast heard me. / Oh! hasten to my aid, / I will be grateful to thee all my life. / I will honor thee as my special patron, / I will thank God for the graces bestowed upon thee / and will encourage devotion to thee according to my power. Amen
St. Jude, Pray for Us! And for those who invoke thy aid!
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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