This "optional memorial "( why optional and why memorial - when we had from the beginning - Feasts ) There is nothing humanistic -optional or memorial , when is about to remember and celebrate Feasts of Saints , chosen people by God Eternal Father to be our intercessors ) .
The Feast of Saint Jerome Emiliani it is new to the USA liturgical calendar and was inscribed on July 20. It was dropped from the General Roman Calendar in 1968 , at that time this feast was celebrated on July 23. This was the feast of St. Jerome Emiliani whose optional memorial is now celebrated on February 8 , but true and traditional Catholics are celebrating the saint - today July 20 .
Oremus. God Eternal Father , Father of mercies, grant, by the intercession of blessed Saint Jerome Emiliani , whom Thou didst will to be the helper and father of orphans, that we may faithfully guard the spirit of adoption whereby we are both in name and reality Thy children. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God. Forever and ever , Amen
Saint Jerome Emilliani was taken prisoner and miraculously liberated, he made a pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Treviso, in fulfillment of a vow. In the misery of his dungeon he invoked the great Mother of God, and promised, if she would set him free, to lead a new and a better life. Our Lady appeared, broke his fetters, and led him forth through the midst of his enemies.
After his ordination to the priesthood in 1518, the hospitals and the hovels of the poor were his favourite resorts. In the year of plague and famine (1528), he seemed to be everywhere, and showed his zeal especially for the orphans, whose number had so greatly increased. He rented a house for them near the church of St. Rose and, with the assistance of some pious laymen, ministered to their wants. To his charge was also committed the hospital for incurables, founded by St. Cajetan.
In 1531 he went to Verona and induced the citizens to build a hospital; at Brescia he erected an orphanage, at Bergamo one for boys and another for girls. Here also he founded the first home for fallen women who wished to do penance.
In 1532 Jerome founded a religious society, placing the motherhouse at Somascha, a secluded hamlet between Milan and Bergamo. In the rule, Jerome puts down as the principal work of the community the care of orphans, poor, and sick, and demands that dwellings, food and clothing shall bear the mark of religious poverty.
Saint Jerome fell a martyr to his zeal; contracting a disease at Bergamo, he died at Somascha. He was beatified by Benedict XIV in 1747, and canonized by Clement XIII in 1767. The Office and Mass in his honour were approved eight years later.
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