O blessed Saint Joseph,
tenderhearted father,
faithful guardian of Jesus,
chaste spouse of the Mother of God,
we pray and beseech thee to offer to God the Father,
His divine son,
bathed in blood on the Cross for sinners,
and through the thrice Holy Name of Jesus
obtain for us of the eternal Father
the favor for which we implore thy intercession
(here our request..)
Amid the splendors of eternity,
forget not the sorrows of those who pray,
those who weep;
stay the almighty arm which smites us,
that by thy prayers and those of thy most Holy and Immaculate Spouse,
the Heart of Jesus may be moved to pity and to pardon.
Saint Joseph, pray for us!
1 comment:
I have been very attached to St. Christopher my entire life. Perhaps due to the necklace that I have worn almost every day since I was a baby. I like to think of it as a reminder that I am being watched over. I have even gone as far as to open a website where people can choose one for themselves. If you would like to see them, click here:
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