Blessed Catholic Saints and Angels

~~Witnesses of Faith pray for us ! ~~

Friday, August 28, 2009

Feast of Saint Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Lord, renew in your Church the spirit You gave Saint Augustine.
Filled with this Spirit, may we thirst for You alone as the fountain of Wisdom and seek You as the source of eternal Love.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Today Augustine, the greatest and the humblest of the Doctors, is hailed by Heaven, where his conversion caused greater joy than that of any other sinner; and celebrated by the Church, who is enlightened by his writings as to the power, the value, and the endless Divine grace.
Since that wonderful, heavenly conversation at Ostia , God had completed His triumph in the son of Monica's tears and of Ambrose's holiness.
Far away from the great cities where pleasure had seduced him, the former rhetorician now cared only to nourish his soul with the simplicity of the Scriptures, in silence and solitude. But grace, after breaking the double chain that bound his mind and his heart, was to have a still greater dominion over him; the pontifical consecration was to consummate Augustine's union with that Divine Wisdom, whom alone he declared he loved' for her own sole sake, caring neither for rest nor life save on her account .
To the end of his life Augustine never ceased to fight for the truth against all the heresies then invented by the father of lies; in his ever repeated victories, we know not which to admire most: his knowledge of the holy Scriptures, his powerful logic, or his eloquence. We see too that Divine charity which, while inflexibly upholding every iota of God's rights, is full of ineffable compassion for the unhappy beings who do not understand those rights.
( commentary taken from The Liturgical Year, Vol. XIV by Dom Gueranger )
I wish you all a very blessed Feast of Saint Augustine , may all of us pray with the same faithfulness :
Eternal God,
who are the Light of the minds that know You,
the Joy of the hearts that love You,
and the Strength of the wills that serve You;
grant us so to know You
that we may truly love You,
and so to love You
that we may fully serve You,
whom to serve is perfect Freedom,
in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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